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المغرب الملكي
7 février 2007

الاستعراض العسكري الكبير الدي تراسه صاحب الجلالة محمد السادس القائد الاعلى للقوات المسلحة الملكية بمناسبة الدكرى الخمسينية لتاسي

العودة لصفحة الفيديوهات

العودة للصفحة الرئيسية

موقع المغرب الملكي

ملاحضة هامة

لمشاهدة الفيديو بشكل عادي و دون تقطع المرجوا وضعه في حالة انتظار فور تشغيله ثم معاودة الضغط على زر التشغيل بعد بضع دقائق لتركه الوقت الكافي للتحميل

Vidéo posté par karimnetroyal

مولاي صاحب الجلال انت في ضيل هادا الدستور في المغرب عليك ان تعطي الحق لل المغارب
salam warahmato lahi wa barakatoh ela sahib ljalala mohamad sadis arjo minka an tosa3idani lianani orido mosa3adatak kay ajida maskan li ana askon m3a omi wa abi fi bayt wahied la yatajawaz sitat amtar toul wa talata 3ard wa arjo minka an tosa3idani ana waekhwati li 5 ekhwa walaka wasi3a nadar wa achkorka min 9albi walah ebarak fa3mar sidi .... o660640537 waskon fi casa wal3onwan bta3i howa darb lmitar zan9a 7 ra9am 15 .... wa chokran[ana [ana ahtaj][holalala][walah][walah]
3acha lmalik o3acha lmaghrib : ana bghit nltah9 bi sofouf l9owat lmosa3ida hada makantmnah olah ijazikom bikhir 3ilman ani maghribi horr 24 ans oyarbi tha9a9a9 lia had lomnia . jazakom llaho khayran ana bghit nkhdm lwatan dyali o3la malin dar et merci bzaf ila 9balto mani had talab
yes i like it so i need some sujet truth
Peace and mercy of God<br /> <br /> In the name of God the Merciful<br /> <br /> Praise be to God and united prayer and peace upon the Messenger of Allah Moulana and his family and companions<br /> I told the age of 40 years separated from<br /> <br /> To His Majesty the King of Morocco. <br /> Peace there is an Imam Maulana. <br /> And after. <br /> <br /> Mansour God of His Majesty King Mohammed VI and the Crown Prince His Royal Highness Prince Moulay Hassan and the twin Prince Moulay Rachid and Karim to Your Highness as long as you achieve greatness, and greatness and the glory and victory and the rest of the family upper glorious He listens and responds. Princess Majesty, I have all the respect and admiration that I present to the higher prestige of this my God to help me<br /> <br /> <br /> Had been convicted unfairly because I want to improve the situation, which coexisted with and that should not be silenced on this injustice unjust in my right. We have been harsh situation and the particular circumstances by Saudi Arabian Trading and Allostaatmaralsnaay and agricultural Ptasvat, which includes 8 years ago in Saudi Arabia (Riyadh) <br /> , And the rule of the office work when Lee went on to the Ministry of Labour Permanent Secretary in the device Government of Saudi Arabia <br /> The case against the Saudi Company for Trade and Allistaatmar industrial, agricultural and B-you letter written in 2005, appealed to the Ministry of Labour (ILO) in your capacity as head of complaints, in order to better treatment <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> Hoping to God that my hope does not disappoint and thank God Hvd<br /> Your family all the top noble<br /> <br /> is me abdulkader +966 55 9097 699
المغرب الملكي
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